Where should managers/L&D draw the line?

I recently saw the below on Reddit:

All in all, the above “course”/”webinar” sounds pretty terrifying. Clearly there are big macro-economic issues at play in the (US) labour market but surely no manager or L&D team should consider that the kind of snooping to identify “warning signs” is morally acceptable – no matter your opinion on unions.

Having read a lot of union-related material from c.1900 for my undergraduate dissertation this really sounds like we (or perhaps western capitalism) have regressed in many industries to the “them vs us” mentality of the past. Therefore, those with good workplace environments, strong career development opportunities and high engagement/satisfaction really need to be vocal to show we do not need to revert to the negative and combative approach. There are enough bad things going on in the world, and real challenges to face, to not be fighting internally in our organizations and managers/L&D need to focus on achieving goals not fostering surveillance cultures.

Author: iangardnergb

My name is Ian Gardner and I am interested in various topics that can be seen as related to learning, technology and information. To see what I am reading elsewhere, follow me on The Old Reader (I.gardner.gb) or LinkedIn.

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